Wednesday 30 April 2008


lol... tagged by WINTER!! =D i lub to answer it

1. who is your all-time inspiration?
me myself and I

2. if you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? why?
=D WINTER OF COZ!! someone that i can really chat with, EVIL POK!! to entertain me with his art, and y only bloggers.... i'm new here..

3. where is the place that you want to go the most?
somewhere that i can relax and forget things that i dun wanna remember

4. do you believe in true love?
kinda ... mayb... when i found it

5. if you win $1 million, what would you do?
1mil USD? pound? well... i will double it...and double it... and double it... and *copy "and double it" X infinity...*

6. if you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
try to hint him =)

7. list out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
fun and nice to talk/share problems with , easy and outgoing and ... eh only three?

8. what are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
u wanna see my list of requirements? very long list... =3

9. which type of person you hate the most?
double faced person...

10. if you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
i'm not a quiet person

11. what do you think is the most important in your life?
what ( not who) , obvious... wealth and health

12. are you a shopaholic?
50% yes

13. if you have a chance. which part of your character you would want to change?
lazyness... i'm very!

14. what would you do if have an off day?
sit back relax and do nth , ignore everyone else; i'm mentally very tired over some stuff =/

15. what is the last shocking thing you've seen or heard?
everything that is 'shocking' to me

16. how do you feel now?
lost currently

17. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
to have what i wish for

18.What are you afraid to lose the most now?
my family my friends my stuff

19. What is your ambition?
well, i tot of this when i was young, till now i hvnt got my answer.

20. If you could be anybody you want for a day,who would it be.Why?
why would i wanted to be someone else when i'm ok with what i am now?
ok... a billionaire's daughter

You have to answer the survey with an honest heart.An honest heart will give you good luck for the entire year.You may imagine of one people or maybe some people not only one.Answer it,
What if your ex says..Why did you let me go?
(very mean answers below)
coz ur not my cup of tea... i'm bored with u.. so.. is ok if u wanna be just friends =)

I still love you.
but i dont love you

Will you go out with me?

Hey, can i give/ask you for a ride?
you giv me a ride

I cannot keep my promise to you.
yea.. go to hell =x

My friends say we don't look good together.
who is ur f***ing fren?, she/he's dam rite!

You have changed.
u changed too, and i changed for a better me

Can we get back together?
unless something change, but sry... 5% chance? nah... 0.5%

Oh, I knew what this is all about. You found someone else.
nope... i'm with no one

Don't you realize? You are the one who hurt me!
O_o R-I-T-E.... i dont really care, why should i?

How can you forget our memories?
i choose to let go, and keep it somewhere. i dont need it anymore :)

I will always love you.
O_o ok... but i dont

Tagging:.... i TAG YOU!! =D

.... took so long to type this.... thx to bright... he told me he's bleeding... -_-'''' he need tampons... someone buy him a pack...mayb two!!

Tuesday 29 April 2008

My Next Phone!!!!

wanna see more click here?
MORE MORE links!!!

THIS IS A SEXY PHONE.. LUB IT!! O_o my current phone looks almost like that too just a bit scratchy... from nokia (model 6170 i guess =D)
weeee!~~ no more assignment!! got more time for myself again!!! whahah XD

Monday 28 April 2008

-_- 30hr+ on going NO SLEEP

wtf =_- one assignment... do in 2 days ( which is a 2month+ assignment) was totally not what i wish for...!!! still ok i guess coz on sunday i woke up at 12... went out to my fren hse to DO my assignment +_+ at least it was better than me staying at home doing it myself =/ and then i went on hanging around there and came home to shower for like less than 30mins and i went bak to my fren place to "TRY" to finish up at least something to hand in today... well... i dint finish it, just hand in what i have for now... i was trying to play with the login module whole nite... wow... i'm stupid.. haha XD sometime i really wonder y i choose to study this?!?! GOSH!...
+_+ u dun wanna be at my spot right now... i dun feel sleepy at all... but a lil messed up.. got a super headache...(totally worst that waking up drunk.. -_-'') and i got another assignment to hand in tomoro before 7pm. worst than a continues murderer nightmare... and.... "ZzZzZzZZZz" *knocked out*

oh >_=... i hvnt eatten anything since last nite till now... i dun feel hungry yet..

OH MY GWSH... i'm turing into a zombie... ZOMBIE COOKIE... awww... cute? =3

Sunday 27 April 2008


Your answers suggest that you are more Right Brain dominant. You are more visual, intuitive, and rely on your feelings. You tend to look at the whole picture first, then the details. Right brain thinkers can see the whole of a problem first before the details and view problems from different perspectives. They are creative, imaginative, and particularly good at solving open ended problems. People that are right brain dominant however, can suffer from too many approaches and can be scatterbrained. They also tend to be less organized, lack attention to detail, and have trouble explaining their ideas verbally.

---------got this from some application from face book--------------
true or false i got no idea =/ but i'm pretty sure i got a BIG PROBLEM on explaining what i'm trying to say and brings misunderstanding
ok mayb is true .. i'm always distracted when doin something

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Mini puzzle

Got this cutie at mid valley few weeks bak, a mini puzzle =D
is been so long i hvnt buy myself something...
the box of mini puzzle cost me rm25 and rm 25 for the frame ; total rm 50... not a big value for something i think is CUTE... haha
after i pay this i saw another one... A PINK BUNNY... omg... should hv brought that at the first place... oh well, i'll get that for sure if i'm going there once more!!! WEeEeEeee
here is the CUTE pic of my MINI WinnieTHEPooH PUZZLE!!!
kinda easy to pin them, those colours are too obvious


=/ i used to blog... but non of them ARE BLOGGING... so HERE =) i'm trying to blog again
excuse me of my caps... i love them
i'm kinda stress over these assignment i hving on hand now =/ few days to go and i'm dead.. sigh..

oh yea... help out my buddy here =) watch this vid and rate it