Sunday 8 February 2009


=_+ hate hate hate hate hate ...... hate this feeling when i keep asking myself to finish up something and i keep giving myself excuse to do it tomorrow. who is that smart fella who come up with the sentence " there;s always tomorrow"? i had been using this and keep telling myself theres always tomoro while i wanna start doing my project?!? ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
i dont have much time left and i'm tat lazy-ass-gurl slacking around knowing my project gonna fail yet i'm still here WHATS WRONG WITH ME... i know seeking help is an option. outsource is a better option? =P but kinda sick and tired of this. can someone just do this dirty job for me!? +_+
maybe money can always solve these problem. i wished i had more money =D sometime i really felt that theres always someone that can solve my problem but not really willing to help me out coz i'm just ignorant and lazy. yes i said it i'm fking lazy when it comes to doing something like.... 'assignment/ project' sometime i really hope for JUST LE ME SIT 100% ON THE FREAKING EXAM ... best part is i'm really bad at managing my time slots. i would rather sit and glue my ass on the chair playing with something that really caught my attention.
i felt some people around me changed alot. mayb i did changed. and everyone else changed. towards me? or issit i changed to the level of making everyone else trying to adding barriers in between. trying to avoid trying to giv excuses like i did to myself. yet so far and even further. even close, the feeling of spontaneous in between wasnt there anymore. the words i heard might not be so true after all. or mayb is just to somehow entertain me and urself. i regret what i did. i'm always on the wrong time at the wrong place choosing the wrong path doing the wrong things the wrong person. why on earth i choose this path, just wish it could be a thousand times more simpler!!!

hehe anyway i'm just trying to express my 'emo-ness' GOING FOR A HOLIDAY SOONNNNN~~~~~ take a good break and will be back to suffer for a month or so

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